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All information reported in the Police Beat is obtained from police department press releases. Defendants are presumed innocent unless proven guilty.
Sept. 4 Wasilla Police contacted Kristal Stalker, a 26-year-old Palmer resident, at Wendy’s while attempting to serve a warrant on another individual. Investigation found Stalker provided officers false information in an attempt to prevent the arrest of the other individual. One count of hindering prosecution in the second degree was forwarded against Stalker.
Sept. 4 Wasilla Police contacted Cody Fisher-White, age 22 of Wasilla in the Wendy’s parking lot. Fisher-White was found to have an outstanding warrant for failing to appear to court for an original charge of assault in the fourth degree. Fisher-White was arrested and remanded to Mat-Su Pretrial.
Sept. 4 Wasilla Police observed a vehicle driving excessively fast past a stopped police vehicle with its emergency lights activated. Upon police catching up to the vehicle, it was tracked on RADAR at 87 mph in a 45 mph zone. The driver, Jahyra Demings, 25, of Anchorage was stopped and found to be driving without a valid license and exhibited signs of being under the influence of alcohol. After failing a series of field sobriety tests, Demings was arrested for Driving Under the Influence and her breath alcohol concentration was .119.Records revealed Demings was also on felony probation with conditions and was also arrested and remanded for Violating Conditions of Probation. Demings was held at Mat-Su pretrial jail without bail, pending arraignment.
Sept. 4 Wasilla Police responded to Fred Meyer in Wasilla to the report of an individual caught shoplifting. Investigation found that Carolann Alden, a 23-year-old Wasilla resident, had stolen merchandise with a value of more than $250 but less than $750 from the store. Alden was issued a summons to court with one count of theft in the third degree and released on her own recognizance.
Sept. 3 Wasilla Police Department responded to Value Village for a report of illegal drugs. Samantha Brooks, manager on duty, reported a customer directed another employee to a small clear plastic baggie containing possible methamphetamine. I responded to Value Village and spoke with Brooks. She gave me the small baggie and the substance does appear to be methamphetamine, based on my training and experience. Brooks told me no one saw from where the small baggie came from. I seized the small baggie and the substance has been submitted for destruction
Sept. 2 Wasilla Police responded to McDonalds on Parks Highway for a report of two individuals attempting to pass a counterfeit $100 bill. Investigation found that Katie Roberts, a 31-year-old Wasilla resident, and Patricia Thompson, a 50-year-old Wasilla resident, had possessed and attempted to pass the counterfeit bill at the business. One count of forgery in the first degree was forwarded against Roberts and Thompson and the United States Secret Service was contacted for further investigation.
Sept. 2 Wasilla Police contacted Jeremy Griffin, age 31 of Wasilla at the Wasilla Police Department. Griffin was found to have an outstanding warrant for failing to appear to court for an original charge of driving while revoked. Griffin was arrested and remanded to Mat-Su Pretrial.
Aug. 31 Wasilla Police were dispatched to a single vehicle accident on Clapp St and Charolet St in Wasilla. Upon arrival Officers found a single vehicle MVA and located the driver Haley Chamblee, age 22 of Wasilla, had lost control of her vehicle having run off the roadway and crashing the vehicle. Investigation continues into a charge of DUI
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